How To Make An Art Journal (This journal was inspired by Annie Bella and Kelly D.) Supplies needed: scrapbook paper yarn/string scotch tape/double sided tape glue (optional) scissors card stock Step #1: Cut the scrapbook paper to the size of the card stock. Step #2: Fold the card stock in half and tape/glue the scrapbook paper to the card stock. Step #3: Take the extra pieces and make the pockets. You can make the pockets any sizes that you want. Step #4 Take all the folded pages and lay one inside the other. Then take a piece of yarn/string and tie them all together. Notes: You can also make a binder into an art journal. You can put as many pages as you like and then tie them together. They are called signatures. I put 4 pages together to make mine. You can make the journal anyway that you want. They don't even have to be the same size. You can even use notebook paper. Video: